17.09.2024 :: Leontief Center Became a Partner of the Photo Exhibition “Geniuses of the Russian Diaspora”
The Leontief Center became a partner of the photo exhibition "Geniuses of the Russian Diaspora" as part of the festival "Russian Diaspora: Cities and Faces" in Russian cities, organized by the Foundation for the Memory of Abroad
The foundation is engaged in the preservation of the ilar popularization of the cultural and historical heritage of the Russian Diaspora The festival has been held since 2021 throughout Russia and is a non-profit educational project to improve the situation with the public
One of the elements of the festival program was the exhibition "Geniuses of the Russian Diaspora", which is located in the central cities of Russia
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28.08.2021 :: Solemn ceremony of laying flowers at the memorial plaque of V. Leontiev
On August 28, a solemn ceremony of laying flowers at the memorial plaque to the founder of the Leontief Center - V Leontiev took place
The ceremony was timed to coincide with the 115th anniversary of the birth of the great economist
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24.02.2021 :: Сборник «Экономика и социология» размещен в РИНЦ
Сборник «Экономика и социология», подготовленный по материалам XIX Ежегодной конференции из цикла «Леонтьевские чтения» (14-15 февраля 2020 г) размещен в РИНЦ
В сборнике представлены статьи специалистов в области институциональной экономической теории и социологии Сборник будет интересен как экономистам и социологам, так и всем специалистам в области социальных наук, поскольку в нем затрагивается широкая проблематика
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